Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

You are currently reading V-Render’s privacy statement. V-Render is a visualization and rendering agency that focuses on creating the visualizations of businesses and individuals. There are situations in which your information is collected by V-Render. It is therefore good that you know what is done with it and how you can indicate your wishes around your data. That is what this statement is about. If you are uncomfortable about V-Render’s use of your information, please feel free to contact us!

A. Data purpose

Personal data is collected by V-Render for a number of purposes. These are explained below.

01. Sending newsletters.

V-Render sends newsletters via e-mail. These newsletters are commercial on the one hand and knowledge-sharing on the other. Your
First name and e-mail address are collected through the appropriate form on V-Render’s website. In addition, you can
be asked verbally or textually to sign up.

02. Contact

Your information will be collected when you contact V-Render through the website. In this form, however, only
asked for the information necessary to provide a proposal or service, such as your name, company name, e-mail address, phone number and project description.
Data purpose

03. Analytics

V-Render’s website collects your information to improve the website. This is done with Google Analytics. This data
is anonymous and thus is not tied to your personal information. Think of information such as the length of your website visit or the pages you visit a lot. All data are processed only with your explicit consent or for the purpose of
performance of the agreements entered into, or because processing is necessary to put you in touch
with potential relations and/or contractors.

B. Recipients

The data received and processed by V-Render is managed through:

01. Mailchimp

Newsletters are sent using Mailchimp. The moment you sign up for the newsletter, your e-mail address and first name are automatically stored in the appropriate list within Mailchimp.


V-Render’s e-mail is hosted at If you contact us through the forms or by mail, those relevant
mails stored on’s servers.

03. WPEngine

The website and backups of the website are hosted at Data you leave on V-Render’s website are
stored on’s servers.

C. Storage period

Your data will be retained by V-Render for a longer period of time, but never longer than necessary to conduct activities, unless we are required by law to keep your data longer.

01. Sending newsletters.

Your email address and first name will be stored in Mailchimp. The storage of your data is indefinite. You can
unsubscribe whenever you want by sending an email to

02. Contact

When you contact V-Render by mail, the information you send, such as your name, company name, and e-mail address, is stored on the mail server. Those emails are kept for up to two years back.

03. Analytics

The data collected by Analytics on the website is anonymous, so it is not associated with your name, company or email address. This
data is stored indefinitely within Google Analytics.

D. Security

No physical copies of your personal data will be made. Your data is managed only in the aforementioned
systems and software. The personal data managed by V-Render or by previously mentioned third parties can only be accessed through the above software and are protected by password and, where possible, by two-step verification.
In this two-step verification, a code is generated from the software and sent to V-Render. This code should be used during the login process. The devices that access your data are each themselves locked with a password and/or fingerprint. The number of devices that can access your data will be limited to only those needed.

E. Your Rights

01. Right of access

You have the right to request at any time your data recorded and stored at V-Render. You do this
by sending an e-mail or contacting V-Render by phone. You will then get an overview of your data.

02. Right of rectification

Is your data not correct? Or has your information changed? You have the right to have this rectified by V-Render. Your data
regarding the newsletter can be edited via the appropriate url at the bottom of each mail.

03. Right to transfer

Should you need the data stored at V-Render in case you switch to another party or service, you have the right to transfer. In doing so, V-Render must transfer all of your information to the other party.

04. Right to erasure of data

Do you no longer want your information recorded at V-Render? Then you have the right to have your data erased.

05. Right to file a complaint

You have the right to file a complaint with the Personal Data Authority if you feel that V-Render is not handling your data properly. This can be done via email

06. Right to stop data use (objection).

Do you not want V-Render to use your information? Then you have the right to stop the use of your personal data.
Exercising these rights can be done at

F. Duties

V-Render processes personal data based on a legitimate interest, namely a commercial interest. For example,
offering V-Render services or products via e-mail. Your information will never be sold to third parties.
The data required to be supplied are the minimum data required to offer the services or products. For example, your e-mail address is needed to send the newsletter. If these mandatory details are not provided, V-render cannot offer the service in question. Should it be necessary to share data that you have
shared with V-Render with parties other than those listed above (for example, to offer a
service), your consent will first be sought.

V-Render reserves the right to disclose the data when required by law or when V-Render does so
justified to comply with a legal request/process or to protect the rights, property or safety of V-Render.
protect. In doing so, we always try to respect your right to privacy as much as possible.

Still have questions? Please feel free to contact us,
using the contact information below.

0470 10 14 50

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